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Hey, we love that you have dropped by and we hope you find all the info you need here. If not, why not give our office a ring. Here at Bethany City Church, we are a vibrant, contemporary, multi-service, multi-generational and multi-cultural church that is life-fuelled, fun loving and passionate about Jesus. Church to us isn’t about empty religious practices, but it’s about people expressing abundant life and faith in Jesus.

Our purpose is simply to know God, to enjoy life and to build a community based on the love of Jesus Christ. We focus our lives on loving and bringing glory to Jesus and the best way to do this is to love him and make him known to anybody who hasn't experienced Him yet. We simply do this by following the greatest command Jesus gives us - love God and love one another (Matthew 22:36-40).

So whether you’re just starting to ask questions about God, or you’re a committed Christian who wants to plant the roots of your Christian faith and bloom, you can find a home here at Bethany City Church






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